Showing posts with label Wordpress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wordpress. Show all posts

How to create custom menu in wordpress

High Risk XSS Vulnerability Discovered in W3 Total Cache Plugin

WP Media is reporting a high risk XSS vulnerability in W3 Total Cache that the company learned about from El Rincón de Zerial’s security blog. The plugin is currently active on more than one million WordPress sites.
This particular vulnerability is found within the plugin’s support form that is embedded in the admin, according to WP Media’s description:
This page can be reach directly using a URL with params, then the params will fill the form.
The params are not escaped when printed on the page, leading to an XSS vulnerability.
Example of XSS URL to be avoided:
Then replace PAYLOAD with a malicious code.
According to Zerial, in order to exploit the vulnerability, an administrator or user with sufficient permissions must have an active session.
Because the threat is already public with no patch available, the vulnerability’s DREAD score ranks it as High Risk. It’s also easily exploitable and could potentially give an attacker the ability to inject code into the admin area and gain access to security tokens, cookies, and private data.
W3 Total Cache was updated six months ago with a fix for two security issues. The last major update, 0.9.4, was released in 2014. After many users began to wonder if the plugin was abandoned, we spoke with author Frederick Townes in March to learn the status of W3 Total Cache. His said that development and other operations have been ongoing and that his team is working towards leaving officially beta and moving towards a 1.0 release. No major updates have been issued and Townes’ company blog has remained silent.
At this point, the only option users have is to disable the plugin or use an account with author or editor permissions instead of the administrator account. The plugin’s author has been contacted about the vulnerability but there is no security update available via yet.

Golden Rules of programming

1 . The AND operator is used when we use (=) and the operator OR is used when we use (!=)
2. True ( || )     False ( && )

Comments urs.

How would you sort an array of strings to their natural case-insensitive order, while maintaing their original index association?

For example, the following array:

                '0' => 'z1',
                '1' => 'Z10',
                '2' => 'z12',
                '3' => 'Z2',
                '4' => 'z3',
After sorting, should become:

                '0' => 'z1',
                '3' => 'Z2',
                '4' => 'z3',
                '1' => 'Z10',
                '2' => 'z12',

The trick to solving this problem is to use three special flags with the standard asort() library function:


The function asort() is a variant of the standard function sort() that preserves the index association. The three flags used above SORT_STRING, SORT_FLAG_CASE and SORT_NATURAL forces the sort function to treat the items as strings, sort in a case-insensitive way and maintain natural order respectively.

Note: Using the natcasesort() function would not be a correct answer, since it would not maintain the original index association of the elements of the array.

How to Secure PHP Web Applications and Prevent Attacks?

As a developer you must know how to build a secure and bulletproof application. Your duty is to prevent security attacks and secure your application.

Checklist of PHP and Web Security Issues

Make sure you have these items sorted out when deploying your application into production environment:
  1. ✔ Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
  2. ✔ Injections
  3. ✔ Cross Site Request Forgery (XSRF/CSRF)
  4. ✔ Public Files
  5. ✔ Passwords
  6. ✔ Uploading Files
  7. ✔ Session Hijacking
  8. ✔ Remote File Inclusion
  9. ✔ PHP Configuration
  10. ✔ Use HTTPS
  11. ✔ Things Not Listed

Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

XSS attack happens where client side code (usually JavaScript) gets injected into the output of your PHP script.
// GET data is sent through URL:
$search = $_GET['search'] ?? null;
echo 'Search results for '.$search;

// This can be solved with htmlspecialchars
$search = htmlspecialchars($search, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
echo 'Search results for '.$search;
  • ENT_QUOTES is used to escape single and double quotes beside HTML entities
  • UTF-8 is used for pre PHP 5.4 environments (now it is default). In some browsers some characters might get pass thehtmlspecialchars().


SQL Injection

When accessing databases from your application, SQL injection attack can happen by injecting malicious SQL parts into your existing SQL statement.

Directory Traversal (Path Injection)

Directory traversal attack is also known as ../ (dot, dot, slash) attack. It happens where user supplies input file names and can traverse to parent directory. Data can be set as index.php?page=../secret or /var/www/secret or something more catastrophic:
$page = $_GET['page'] ?? 'home';

require $page;
// or something like this
echo file_get_contents('../pages/'.$page.'.php');
In such cases you must check if there are attempts to access parent or some remote folder:
// Checking if the string contains parent directory
if (strstr($_GET['page'], '../') !== false) {
    throw new \Exception("Directory traversal attempt!");

// Checking remote file inclusions
if (strstr($_GET['page'], 'file://') !== false) {
    throw new \Exception("Remote file inclusion attempt!");

// Using whitelists of pages that are allowed to be included in the first place
$allowed = ['home', 'blog', 'gallery', 'catalog'];
$page = (in_array($page, $allowed)) ? $page : 'home';
echo file_get_contents('../pages/'.$page.'.php');

Command Injection

Be careful when dealing with commands executing functions and data you don’t trust.
exec('rm -rf '.$GET['path']);

Code Injection

Code injection happens when malicious code can be injected in eval() function, so sanitize your data when using it:
eval('include '.$_GET['path']);

Cross Site Request Forgery (XSRF/CSRF)

Cross site request forgery or one click attack or session riding is an exploit where user executes unwanted actions on web applications.

Public Files

Make sure to move all your application files, configuration files and similar parts of your web application in a folder that is not publicly accessible when you visit URL of web application. Some file types (for example .yml files) might not be processed by your web server and user can view them online.
Example of good folder structure:
Configure web server to serve files from public folder instead of your application root folder. Public folder contains the front controller (index.php). In case web server gets misconfigured and fails to serve PHP files properly only source code of index.php will be visible to public.


When working with user’s passwords hash them properly with password_hash() function.

Uploading Files

A lot of security breaches happen where users can upload a file on server. Make sure you go through all the vulnerabilities of uploading files such as renaming uploaded file, moving it to publicly unaccessible folder, checking file type and similar. Since there are a lot of issues to check here, more information is located in the separate FAQ:

Session Hijacking

Session hijacking is an attack where attacker steals session ID of a user. Session ID is sent to server where $_SESSION array gets populated based on it. Session hijacking is possible through an XSS attack or if someone gains access to folder on server where session data is stored.

Remote File Inclusion

Remote file inclusion attack (RFI) means that attacker can include custom scripts:
$page = $_GET['page'] ?? 'home'

require $page . '.php';
In above code $_GET can be set to a remote file http://yourdomain.tld/index.php?page=
Make sure you disable this in your php.ini unless you know what you’re doing:
; Disable including remote files
allow_url_fopen = off
; Disable opening remote files for include(), require() and include_once() functions.
; If above allow_url_fopen is disabled, allow_url_include is also disabled.
allow_url_include = off

PHP Configuration

Always keep installed PHP version updated. You can use versionscan to check for possible vulnerabilities of your PHP version. Update open source libraries and applications and maintain web server.
Here are some of the important settings from php.ini that you should check out. You can also use iniscan to scan your php.ini files for best security practices.

Error Reporting

In your production environment you must always turn off displaying errors to screen. If errors occur in your application and they are visible to the outside world, attacker can get valuable data for attacking your application. display_errors and log_errors directives inphp.ini file:
; Disable displaying errors to screen
display_errors = off
; Enable writing errors to server logs
log_errors = on

Exposing PHP Version

PHP version is visible in HTML headers. You might want to consider hiding PHP version by turning off expose_php directive and prevent web server to send back header X-Powered-By:
expose_php = off

Remote Files

In most cases it is important to disable access to remote files:
; disabled opening remote files for fopen, fsockopen, file_get_contents and similar functions
allow_url_fopen =  0
; disabled including remote files for require, include ans similar functions
allow_url_include = 0


This settings defines one or more directories (subdirectories included) where PHP has access to read and write files. This includes file handling (fopenfile_get_contents) and also including files (includerequire):
open_basedir = "/var/www/test/uploads"

Session Settings

  • session.use_cookies and session.use_only_cookies
    PHP is by default configured to store session data on the server and a tracking cookie on client side (usually called PHPSESSID) with unique ID for the session.
; in most cases you'll want to enable cookies for storing session
session.use_cookies = 1
; disabled changing session id through PHPSESSID parameter (e.g foo.php?PHPSESSID=)
session.use_only_cookies = 1
session.use_trans_sid = 0
; rejects any session ID from user that doesn't match current one and creates new one
session.use_strict_mode = 0
  • session.cookie_httponly
    If the attacker somehow manages to inject Javascript code for stealing user’s current cookies (the document.cookie string), theHttpOnly cookie you’ve set won’t show up in the list.
session.cookie_httponly = 1
  • session.cookie_domain
    This sets the domain for which cookies apply. For wildcard domains you can use or set this to the domain it should be applied. By default it is not enabled, so it is highly recommended for you to enable it:
session.cookie_domain =
  • session.cookie_secure
    For HTTPS sites this accepts only cookies sent over HTTPS. If you’re still not using HTTPS, you should consider it.
session.cookie_secure = 1


HTTPS is a protocol for secure communication over network. It is highly recommended that you enable it on all sites. Read more about HTTPS in the dedicated FAQ: How to Install SSL Certificate and Enable HTTPS.

What is Next?

Above we’ve introduced many security issues. Security, attacks and vulnerabilities are continuously evolving. Take time and check some good resources to learn more about security and turn this check list into a habit:

How to access WordPress out side the wordpress setup folder (Code Snippets )


Recent Posts

        $recent_posts = wp_get_recent_posts(array(‘numberposts’=>3));
        foreach($recent_posts as $recent){
            echo '
  • ' . $recent["post_title"] . '
  • ';

    WordPress database insert custom query.

    function perform_database_action(){
        global $wpdb;
        $data= array('col1'=>$value1,'col2'=>$value2,'col3'=>$value3);
        $format = array('%s','%s','%s');
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    Change the "Proceed to PayPal" button text in the WooCommerce checkout screen

    /* Change the "Proceed to PayPal" button text in the WooCommerce checkout screen
     * Add this to your theme's functions.php file

    add_filter( 'gettext', 'custom_paypal_button_text', 20, 3 );
    function custom_paypal_button_text( $translated_text, $text, $domain ) {
    switch ( $translated_text ) {
    case 'Proceed to PayPal' :
    $translated_text = __( 'Proceed to Payment', 'woocommerce' );
    return $translated_text;

    Customizing WooCommerce Order Emails

    Conditional Customization with Actions/Filters 

    add_action( 'woocommerce_email_before_order_table', 'add_order_email_instructions', 10, 2 );
    function add_order_email_instructions( $order, $sent_to_admin ) {
      if ( ! $sent_to_admin ) {
        if ( 'cod' == $order->payment_method ) {
          // cash on delivery method
          echo 'Instructions: Full payment is due immediately upon delivery: cash only, no exceptions.
        } else {
          // other methods (ie credit card)
          echo 'Instructions: Please look for "Madrigal Electromotive GmbH" on your next credit card statement.
